The IMF pronounces on the Robin Hood Tax

April 30, 2010
Yesterday, I discussed the IMF’s fascinating new proposals for two international taxes on the financial sector  – a ‘financial stability contribution’ (FSC) and a ‘financial activities tax’ (FAT). But the leaked interim report to the G20 also discussed the financial transactions tax (FTT), better known as the Robin Hood Tax. What did it say? First the good news: ‘The FTT

A global taxation system, as proposed by the IMF

April 29, 2010
IMF suggests Global taxes on all banks History is made What have they put in the water supply at the IMF? First they see the light on capital controls, and now they’re putting out ground-breaking ideas on the international taxation of banks. I’ve been reading the supposedly confidential (but available on the BBC website – if you have problems with

The World Bank breaks its promises on Africa’s voting power

April 27, 2010
The World Bank went backwards in Washington last week, when it announced a set of reforms on ‘voice’ (the different countries’ share of voting power at the Bank) that reversed many of the gains for African countries from the previous voice reform, at the Bank’s last Annual Meeting in Istanbul in September 2009. In last week’s rejig, of 47 countries

Keynes v Hayek: the rap version. Priceless(?)

April 26, 2010
The reader survey turned up a lot of people wanting more short posts and light relief, so to celebrate this blog’s 400th post, here’s a top youtube – Hayek v Keynes in a rather scholarly MC battle. Coincidentally, the number of people watching it on youtube is about equal to The Economist’s circulation – wonder how much overlap there was?

What is the impact of aid on overall health spending?

April 23, 2010
Fungibility makes aid complicated. Where does the money go? The Lancet has put the cat among the aid pigeons with its recent piece on the arcane, but important issue of ‘aid fungibility’. This claims that for every $1 given in health aid, the recipient government shifts between 43 cents and $1.14 of their own spending to other priorities. (If the

How will the UK election change the development sector?

April 22, 2010
‘British elections’ and ‘exciting’ don’t usually make it into the same sentence, but the TV debates between the party leaders have changed all that. Tonight’s second debate will focus on foreign policy, so development may even get a mention. That would be good, because so far the media perception seems to be that so much consensus makes the issue too

Even volcanic clouds have silver linings

April 21, 2010
[h/t Antonio Hill] Plus everyone in the office is in a really good mood because lots of meetings have been cancelled and we can all spend more time with our families, catch up with our emails, do the housework etc – whoopee! And it looks really pretty from space……… [h/t Global Dashboard]

Ending energy poverty in India is part of tackling climate change

April 20, 2010
Energy for all Is vital in India Can outsiders help? NGOs don’t often talk about energy poverty and they should. Electricity means kids are more likely to do their homework; dirty energy for cooking fills the houses of the poor with smoke and does terrible damage to health. Two recent items in my inbox brought this to mind. Firstly a

The UK elections and international development

April 16, 2010
The UK election campaign is grinding towards the vote on 6 May and as usual, foreign policy in general and development in particular won’t get much of a look in. If you want to do something about it, then visit ‘Vote Global’. Last night’s TV debate (which I really enjoyed – sure sign that I’m losing any remaining links to normality) between

The World According to Robert Zoellick

April 15, 2010
World Bank President Robert Zoellick always gives a big set piece speech ahead of the IMF/World Bank spring meeting. Yesterday at the Woodrow Wilson Center he spoke on ‘the End of the Third World’. Highlights (and comments from me in brackets): ‘2009 saw the end of what was known as the “Third World”: We are now in a new, fast-evolving

Book Review: ‘Why we Disagree About Climate Change’, by Mike Hulme

April 14, 2010
In mid 2008, long before the Copenhagen climate summit tanked or the University of East Anglia became synonymous with dodgy emails, Mike Hulme, a UEA geographer and climate modeller, and founder of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, went into deep reflection on the divisive nature of the climate change debate. The resulting book is fascinating, intriguing and at

The gender impact of Europe’s recession

April 13, 2010
A recent report by Oxfam’s UK Poverty Programme looks at the impact of the global economic crisis on Europe’s women. Based on research in ten EU member states, the report finds (among other things): ‘The impact of the recession is significant and damaging for both men and women living in poverty. This report tracks the impact for women as a