Book Review: how citizen action leads to national change

April 9, 2010
When discussing social change (or anything else), there’s no substitute for good case studies. They inspire and provoke new thinking, helping us move beyond platitudes and generalizations, and they stick in the mind as islands of reality in a sea of social science blah. ‘Citizen action and national policy: making change happen’ a new book edited by John Gaventa and

Another top edition of The Economist. Sorry.

April 8, 2010
I know it’s politically incorrect to like The Economist (the magazine, that is, not the profession), but I can’t help it. In particular, the second half usually sees the writers lay off the free market ideological drumbeat a bit, providing loads of useful content for development wonks. Take last week’s edition, for example: The failure of South Africa’s Black Economic

Robin Hoodies and Robbing Oil Revenues: two fine new youtubes

April 7, 2010
Here’s the latest youtube treat from Richard Curtis for the Robin Hood Tax campaign (whose Facebook fan club just topped 150,000 people). OK, we oldies recognize Ben Kingsley, but test your yoof credentials by naming the rest of them…….. See here for more considered (if less enjoyable) posts on the subject.   Meanwhile Oxfam America’s animated short “Follow the Money” has been selected as one of

Kenyan farmers raise money for British theatre

April 2, 2010
A delightful April fool’s post on youtube. I’ve googled it and can find no explanation of who made it or why. Anyone know? Otherwise, just sit back and enjoy. [h/t Chris Blattman]

Whatever happened to Robin Hood? Update on the Financial Transaction Tax

April 1, 2010
  From deep inside the boilerhouse of the Robin Hood Tax campaign, this helpful update comes from Max Lawson, Oxfam’s man in the green mask….. The weeks up to the G20 Finance Ministers meeting in Washington DC on 23 April (on the margins of the IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings) and the UK election (almost certainly on 6 May)