Links I Liked

August 20, 2018

     By Duncan Green     

Spinning the gig economy

Maybe it’s the summer lull, or my fading attention span (off on hols next week), but it all seems to be graphics and videos this week.

The gig economy ht Robert Went

Soccer girl power. Gotta love her swagger. She’s speaking Farsi, apparently – anyone know the origin of this wonderful 30 sec clip?

Francis Fukuyama on What’s Wrong with Public Policy Education?:

“Being skilled in policy analysis is woefully inadequate to bring about policy change in the real world”

No women in a burqa has ever done me any harm

“If we are to start telling people what to wear, maybe we should ban suits.” Ht Dr Laura Gavaghan

Fox News v Denmark. No contest.

Simple and very effective. Thankyou Amnesty

Brexit: A Titanic Disaster. This gets better/worse with each passing month. How can they work in a cliff edge next March?

August 20, 2018
Duncan Green
