Links I Liked

September 21, 2015

     By Duncan Green     

[Welcome back email subscribers – and heartfelt thanks to the IT wizards who sorted out the glitch. More on this tomorrow]

Europe’s refugee crisis:migrant ducking stool

The cartoonists are having a field day [h/t Helge Torvund] 

you are safeThe Onion has a satirical go with an 11 step guide to how migrants reach Europe (step 6: Trudging; Step 10: Angela Merkel bestows each migrant with their new German name)

Fascinating, and v moving: refugees unpack the contents of their bags

‘You are Safe. The City of Vienna’. Sign in railway station [h/t Melissa Fleming]

In other news:

Owen Barder summarizes the case for making cash transfers the best courtroom exchangedefault mode in humanitarian response & the findings of a high level panel on same

Garment factories or marriage? Intriguing, charming film on choices facing young women in Bangalore

The best courtroom exchange ever….

This doesn’t apply to bloggers, of course: Don’t date journalists, warns China Daily – “They may be narcissistic, patronizing and find it hard to accept advice” [h/t Katrina Hamlin]

mount stupid

Avoid Mount Stupid, Also doesn’t apply to bloggers, obvs [h/t Raza Rumi]

OK, the Rugby World Cup has started, so please don’t expect me to do any work for a few weeks. First up, the evolution of the haka (Maori war dance performed by All Blacks before games): from silly to scary in just 90 years [h/t Chris Brooke]


September 21, 2015
Duncan Green
