Links I Liked

March 21, 2016

     By Duncan Green     

Europe according to Vladimir Putin [h/t Amazing Maps]Europe according to Putin

The top 10 sources of data for international development research. Handy users guide

The Bridge to Sodom and Gomorrah. Wonderful long read on life and struggle in an Accra slum [h/t Alex Evans]

How to deal with protestors. There’s President Obama, and then (sigh) there’s Donald Trump

women in parliament by regionWhy do so many World Bank investments underwrite oligarchs? Hard hitting piece on the International Finance Corporation

In percentage terms, Arab states have shown the most improvement in women’s representation in parliaments. Surprised? [h/t Erik Soheim]

USAID is funding vultures equipped with GoPro cameras to identify illegal rubbish dumps in Peru, then sticking the results on social media to raise public awareness about the environment. Genius or bonkers? Definitely genius – watch this delightful video. [h/t Chris Blattman]

March 21, 2016
Duncan Green
