The Chemistry of Tear Gas and other Links I Liked

September 9, 2019

     By Duncan Green     

Budapest summit

The front row of the third annual Budapest Demographic Summit launch. The conference is focused on raising the fertility rates in central and eastern Europe. HT Valerie Hopkins

Mandela on Mugabe: ‘the trouble with Mugabe is that he was the star – and then the sun came up.’ Top obit from the excellent David Smith – what are best ones from Zimbabweans?

There’s a climate strike on 20th September. If you’re in the UK, find your nearest strike here. And is it just me, or are the activists getting younger?

At least 250 scientists have more than 50% of their citations from themselves/co-authors, while median self-citation rate is 12.7%.’ Hats off to Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan from Chennai, academia’s leading narcissist, with a 94% self citation rate.

While we’re on science. When chemistry graduates are faced with tear gas in Hong Kong they used chemistry to turn it into solid form, by shaking it in vinegar and rendering it useless. That’s education for you! HT @berniespofforth

Sorry, just can’t avoid the Brexit meltdown any longer. Here’s some v British protest and the snoozing Jacob Rees Mogg pic is proving a rich seam.

Anti-Corbyn headline
Anti-Johnson headline

Do British tabloids shape public opinion, or just reflect it? Here’s the Sun’s front pages for its English and Scottish editions on the same day last week. No prizes for guessing which is which

But don’t worry, everything may be OK

Everything may be okay
September 9, 2019
Duncan Green
