When did you stop receiving email notifications of this blog?

August 25, 2015

     By Duncan Green     

I know this is a bit like saying ‘raise your hand if you can’t hear me’, but we have a problem. This blog has amassed hate the computer sometimessome 5000 email subscribers who should get an email with each new post, which is great. Unfortunately, a lot of them have been getting in touch to say they no longer get the notifications. When they go to the site to check, it tells them they are already subscribed.

The wonderful webgeek who sorts this kind of thing out says it would help to know when people stopped receiving the emails. So fingers crossed that your inbox management is just as bad as mine- please could you tell us the date of the last alert received from ‘From Poverty to Power’?

Ta, Duncan

August 25, 2015
Duncan Green
