Ministers must rethink taxes to deliver policy ambitions

Text reads 'want to build a fairer, greener, more equal Scotland? This is a key piece of the puzzle' alongside an image of a puzzle piece with text on reading 'Fair tax'

Responding to the news that the Scottish Government is planning more spending cuts, Jamie Livingstone, Head of Oxfam Scotland, said: “When the numbers perennially don’t add up, something’s got to change. Scotland’s policy ambitions can’t be sacrificed due to a lack of cash. In the upcoming Budget process and new Tax Strategy, Ministers must instead re-think devolved and local tax to unlock the resources needed to realise the First Minister’s promise to build the fairer, greener, more equal country we all want to live in.”


For more information and interviews, please contact: Rebecca Lozza, Oxfam Media and Communications Adviser, Scotland and Wales: / 07917738450