We must rethink tax for a fairer, greener Scotland

Scales with heavy bank notes on one side and a few lighter coins on the other

By Jamie Livingstone

Imagine Scotland as an incomplete grand tapestry, one that’s rich with complexity and potential but becoming more frayed at the edges. Our First Minister has pledged to weave a stronger, more vibrant future; where child poverty is eradicated, the climate crisis is tackled head-on, and public services are robust and effective. All supported by a thriving economy.

To achieve this vision, John Swinney’s first Programme for Government must promise new, bold and decisive action backed by commitments to transformative tax reforms to enable major new public investment.

Right now, the frayed edges are all too obvious: a stubbornly high poverty rate – worse for already marginalised groups – rising income inequality, grotesque levels of wealth inequality, and a string of missed climate targets jeopardise our common future.

Addressing these challenges starts with putting more money in the pockets of those facing the injustice of poverty, including an above-inflation increase to the Scottish Child Payment on a path to it reaching at least £40 per week by the end of the Parliament.

But to help more people to access well paid, stable jobs we also need to scale-up employability support that meets individuals’ needs, reversing recent budget cuts. And for work to be a viable choice for those with caring responsibilities, increased funding for social care and childcare provision is non-negotiable.

At the same time, too many jobs, particularly those done predominantly by women, remain blighted by poor pay and conditions. Here, not all power rests in Edinburgh, but Scottish Ministers could reform local taxation to incentivise employers to offer better quality work.

The First Minister’s to-do list can’t stop there. The climate crisis presents another, interwoven, challenge. Around the world, climate-induced disasters are causing devastation, and Scotland isn’t immune – floods, like in Brechin, are now more likely. Yet current efforts to reduce emissions are falling woefully short.

The public support action to address climate change. But that action must be fair as well as fast. An ambitious Heat in Buildings Bill is essential, one underpinned by a grant scheme that fully protects the pockets of the poorest while ensuring that everyone can retrofit their homes to clean heating systems without breaking the bank.

Investing in a fairer, greener Scotland to unlock the benefits it will bring, means rethinking taxation to raise the revenue needed, while redistributing Scotland’s wealth, and encouraging businesses and the wealthy to contribute more to our collective wellbeing.

Over three decades on since the last valuation of properties in Scotland, Ministers should announce a revaluation as a vital step towards replacing the Council Tax. They should also explore wealth and pollution taxes, including on private jets – an egregious climate injustice.

The golden thread that hardwires these efforts must be a coherent, cross-government approach: this means strengthening Scotland’s National Outcomes and imposing stronger duties to deliver them through a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill.

Instead of patchwork fixes, the First Minister must thread the needle with bold, transformative policy and legislation to ensure Scotland’s tapestry is woven to last.

This article originally appeared in The Herald.