Rising temperatures will push millions of people into poverty

Rising temperatures will push millions of people into poverty unless governments take swift action and the Scottish Government must lead by example.

Today, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report detailing progress and pathways to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Responding to the report, Jamie Livingstone, Head of Oxfam Scotland, said: “Around the world, climate change is eating away shores and flooding homes. It’s leaving farmland bone-dry and shattering the lives of millions who did virtually nothing to cause it.

“We know that every tenth of a degree of warming is a choice between life or death and we also know that women lose out the most. I’ve met smallholder farmers and their families who have been left with nothing to eat because their crops were decimated by drought. 

“That’s why it’s so vital rich countries like Scotland to act now by showing how they’ll cut their emissions while setting legally binding targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emission to net zero within a generation.

“The way that Scotland, and the rest of the international community, responds to climate change is a litmus test for our humanity. It’s a test we can’t afford to fail.”

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For more information please contact Rebecca Lozza, Media and Communications Officer, Oxfam Scotland, on 0141 285 8875 / 07880785159 or RLozza1@Oxfam.org.uk

Notes to Editors

  • Oxfam Scotland is a member of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. Stop Climate Chaos Scotland is a diverse coalition of organisations campaigning on climate change, including faith, international development and environment organisations, trade and student unions and community groups.
  • Stop Climate Chaos Scotland is calling for:

    • Set a target of zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest, and a reduction of 77% by 2030
    • Ensure that future finance budgets are consistent with our climate targets
    • Commit to actions that cut emissions and deliver and cleaner, healthier, more prosperous Scotland:

      • greener farming: create a nitrogen balance sheet for Scotland by 2020
      • energy efficient homes: ensure that all homes have at least Energy Performance Rating C by 2025
      • cleaner transport: phase out the sale of new fossil fuel cars by 2030.