Your Money’s Worth: How would you spend Scotland’s budget to tackle poverty?

Wednesday 27th March 2018 (10am-2pm)
The Lighthouse, 11 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow, G1 3NU

Register via Eventbrite here using password: BUDGET

What if you were in charge of the national budget? What services would you prioritise? What would make the biggest difference to you, your family and your community?

In partnership with the Poverty and Inequality Commission and the Poverty Alliance, the UWS-Oxfam Partnership is hosting a workshop on 27th March between 10am – 2pm, to explore how the Scottish Government’s spending impacts on experiences of poverty in Scotland.

As part of the Commission’s work on this issue, it is particularly keen to hear from individuals with direct experience of poverty and organisations providing support to people impacted by low-income.

You are invited to learn about how budget decisions affect the lives of all Scottish citizens, and have your say about the things that matter most to you and your community.

The aims of this event are:

1. To shape the Poverty and Inequality Commission’s advice to the Scottish Government about how the budget could be used to close the gap between rich and poor and create a more equal Scotland, where everyone has access to the things they need.

2. To suggest ways to make the budget process more accessible and transparent, so that everyone can have their say.

This event will be an interactive workshop open to individuals, community and grassroots organisations. We will use images, exercises, props and discussion to better understand the budget process and provide a space for you to tell us what should be done to make things fairer and more equal in your community and your country.

If you or someone you work with is keen to attend, please register on Eventbrite by following this link and using this password: BUDGET

We will do everything we can to make sure everyone can participate and enjoy this event, including providing expenses to cover transport and childcare. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Rhiannon at Oxfam: