What can we do about tax havens?

A group of people in Cardiff came together recently to watch “the UK Gold” and tried to answer that question.

The film according to the Guardian review is “an ambitious and admirably clear assault on the UK’s lamentable record in the tax avoidance industry, zeroing in on the unsavoury role played by the City of London and its institutions”.Guardian Film Review got us all sharing ideas about what we could do next.

  • Matti Kohonen (involved in setting up the tax justice network  ) suggested that local government could be lobbied to stop using companies that use tax havens.
  • Louise Weinzweig (Oxfam Cymru Campaigns and Communications Coordinator) wants to set up an informal network of tax activists in Cardiff with occasional meet-ups, get in touch if interested.
  • Arian Cymru  told us about their event on December 4th on “Alternative Financial Institutions“.
  • Mari McNeill of Christian Aid has copies of the film for anyone to show in their community. Why not do the same and invite your local politicians?”