Join Us and Speak Up on Climate Change

This month Oxfam Cymru will be joining Stop Climate Chaos Cymru to Speak Up about the people, places and things we want to protect from climate change – and you can join
us too.

The world’s poorest people are the first hit and worst affected by climate change. Climate change matters to Oxfam because it perpetuates and deepens the poverty that Oxfam’s work aims to overcome.

People living in developing countries are 20 times more likely to be affected by climate-related disasters – such as floods, droughts, and hurricanes – than those of us living in the industrialised world. And here in the UK, lower-income and other disadvantaged groups contribute least to causing climate change but are most likely to be negatively affected by it.

So what can we do about it? What can Wales do about it? The Environment (Wales) Act and the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act set a strong framework for action, but with a new Assembly in place since May, Wales needs to show the world that tackling climate change is still a priority. 

The Welsh Government needs to deliver on these commitments, and all Assembly Members need to show their commitment to support action on climate change. This month, you can help ensure they do that by joining our Speak Up campaign.

To be part of Stop Climate Chaos Cymru’s Speak Up month of action, you can either organise an event in your area or join an event, at which you can start those key conversations about climate change. AMs and MPs will be invited along too, so that politicians see, feel and hear how much you all care about what we could lose to climate change. Why not take a look at some of the events that are already taking place across Wales?

So join us and Speak Up to call on the Welsh Government to set out an ambitious plan of how to meet our carbon reduction targets in full and how to accelerate action towards a low-carbon economy in Wales.

Join us and Speak Up  to ensure that the Welsh Government sees, hears and feels public appetite for action to tackle climate change at this critical time.

Even if you’ve never attended or organized an event like this before, now’s the time to get involved! Stop Climate Chaos Cymru can advise and support you along the way, so find out more today, and help us Stand Up and Speak Up for those affected by climate change across the world.