We want a Wales fit for today and fit for the future

Communities in Wales are facing significant challenges. Rising in-work poverty shows that work isn’t necessarily the best way out of poverty.

Inequality is increasing with the richest 16% in Wales having as much wealth as the rest. Climate change is making things increasingly harder for communities in Wales and around the world. Droughts and flooding is becoming more frequent and growing seasons are becoming more unpredictable.

The Well being of Future Generations Act puts a duty on councils to take a long term view in decision making, as well as focusing on the here and now. Whether that’s tackling poverty, inequality, climate change or creating decent work opportunities, a long term view is vital. These challenges don’t exist in isolation; this is why it is important for councils to consider the interconnectedness of these issues and what the links between departments are.

There needs to be greater transparency in how decisions are made. How can councils involve local communities in decision making? How can councils engage young people and those affected by issues such as inequality and a lack of decent work? Hearing from a diverse range of voices will strengthen decision making.

The development of the new schools curriculum is an opportunity to put global citizenship at the heart of education. Through learning about local and global issues and creating opportunities for young people to raise their voices and act as ethical, informed citizens, we’ll be able to help future generations play their part in creating a more equal Wales with cohesive communities. Show Racism the Red Card research found that there has been an increase in reports of racist incidents in schools in Wales and we have the chance to act now to have learning environments which promotes
empathy, respect and values diversity.