Welsh Budget will have ‘sobering’ impact on poverty levels

The Welsh Government has published its draft Budget for 2024/25.

Responding to the draft Budget, Sarah Rees, Head of Oxfam Cymru, said: “This sobering draft Budget will pile yet further pressure onto people across Wales who have already been pushed to the brink by the surging cost of living. The next First Minister must make tackling the country’s shameful and stubbornly high poverty rate their top priority, underpinning this crucial mission with a bold, comprehensive and binding strategy which sets out clear targets and timescales. Now is the time to begin building the fairer, greener, more caring Wales all of us – and our future generations – need to see.”


For more information please contact: Rebecca Lozza, Oxfam Media and Communications Adviser, Scotland and Wales: rlozza1@oxfam.org.uk / 07917738450